Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Brunelleschi Creator Of The Dome

Brunelleschi an artist and a sculptor started on working this big project which was the Dome in Florence. Brunelleschi is a risk taker for example he never gives up for example the egg challenge he proved to everyone that he could let the egg stand without falling and everyone in Florence were impressed with his progress of the Dome even Cosimo de' Medici believed that he could figure something out and he did that is why I believe that he is a risk taker.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Where Do New Ideas Come From?

New ideas comes from imagination and also the kind of person you are. When you think of new ideas it doesn't just end it continues and then you will think of a new one. New ideas can also come from your family, friends, and your personality inside you. Ideas will never go away you always will think of another idea and it will just pop in your mind and it will stay through your future.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Favorite Short Story

For this past 2 months we've been learning about short story unit and we read 3 amazing short stories "The Sniper", "Lamb To The Slaughter" and last but not least "Thank You Ma'am".Out of all these stories I would say "Lamb To The Slaughter" would be my favorite because they it was funny and it was descriptive enough to make the story more interesting.I also like how Sgt.Noonan didn't know who was the suspect of Patrick Maloney's death and the suspect was actually Mary Maloney.